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文法やスペルなど英語としての言語的な正しさを、 熟練したネイティブスタッフが、緻密にチェックし、編集します。
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- 校正者とのQ&A (回数無制限)
- 英文校正証明書 (オプション)
- ・専門家の英文校正が必要
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Leadership, Higher Education(Ph.D)
- I have chaired 17 dissertations as professor.
- As consultant, I edited 43 dissertations, 4 master's theses, and 7 non-academic papers (for commercial purposes)
University of Alberta, Canada
Research related to genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, and biotechnology(Ph.D)
I am originally from Canada and I am a native English speaker. After receiving my PhD and leaving academia, I worked for 3.5 years as an editor at a scientific and technical editing and writing company based in Japan. I have been a freelance editor for more than 10 years, working mainly on manuscripts related to genetics, molecular biology, and biochemistry. I am the first author of several manuscripts published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, which demonstrates my familiarity with the process of publishing manuscripts and the expected writing standards. I am also a co-author of a book chapter and a review article. Additionally, I have been a peer reviewer for international scientific journals.
February 2010 – present: Freelance editor
- Edited articles from a broad range of fields
November 2011 – July 2015: Editor
- Edited articles from a broad range of fields
- Reviewed and coordinated other publication services (e.g., pre-submission peer review, journal selection, cover letter and abstract writing, and rewriting)
- Conducted seminars and workshops on scientific writing and publishing
Keble College Oxford University
Imperial College London
Biological Sciences(MS)
- Springer Nature, Macmillan Publishing Group, freelance developmental editor, copy editor, and proof-reader, 09-2003 to present
- Oxford Word, freelance science editor and writer, 09-2003 to 09-2015
- Nature Reviews Genetics, in-house copyeditor, 09-2002 to 09-2003
University of Warwick
Instrumental & Analytical Methods in Biological, Pharmaceutical & Environmental Chemistry (MSc)
The editor graduated with a BSc in chemistry with medicinal chemistry and a MSc in instrumental and analytical methods from the University of Warwick, then worked in various analytical development roles in the pharmaceutical industry, before moving into an editorial position. As a commissioning editor, he launched and managed numerous journals. He now works as a freelance science editor and writer, specialising in topics such as chemistry, pharmaceutical science and biomedical science.
Columbia University
Journalism (MS)
International Affairs (MIA)
She has been in the publishing field for over 20 years, serving as an editor, copy editor, writer, researcher, and translator. She is an alumna of Wellesley College, with an A.B. in political science, and a graduate of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism and the School of International Affairs. With her background in economics and political economy, she edits many reports and publications on international economic and social development, most notably for the Asian Development Bank. She also works with Washington-based contractors and NGOs that participate in joint development projects with the Government of the United States, editing reports for these organizations and for the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the US Department of State.
- 英語→英語 実証X計学論文 ネイティブチェック (関東学院大学, 2020/12)
- 英語→英語 会X学論文(投稿用) ネイティブチェック (関東学院大学, 2020/08)
- 英語→英語 生X学関係報告書_ネイティブチェック (一般財団法人自然環境研究センター, 2019/09)
- 英語→英語 プルーフ校正 (関東学院大学, 2019/09)
- 英語→英語 報告書_ネイティブチェック (一般財団法人自然環境研究センター, 2019/09)
- 日本語→英語 特許(有害ガスXXX敷物用のXX性面状体)翻訳, ネイティブチェック (有限会社思源, 2019/07)
- 英語→英語 学会発表(医療関連)ネイティブチェック (ひぐらし整形外科内科, 2019/07)
- 英語→英語 教X学、教X哲学、道徳XX論文+第三者ネイティブチェック (奈良教育大学, 2018/11)
- 英語→英語 産学官X携を推Xする視点+第三者ネイティブチェック (一般社団法人国立大学協会, 2018/09)
- 英語→英語 教X学・教X哲X分野+第三者ネイティブチェック (奈良教育大学, 2018/08)
- 英語(アメリカ) 学術論文(キXXト教X学) プルーフリーディング (関東学院大学, 2017/03)
- 英語→英語 The MontXXXX Protocol+プルーフリーディング (筑波大学, 2017/03)
- 英語(アメリカ)→英語(アメリカ) 学術用(倫X学)+第三者ネイティブチェック+プルーフリーディング (関東学院大学, 2017/02)
- 英語→英語 教XX学・教育哲学(英文要約・英文目次)校正 (奈良教育大学, 2017/01)
- 英語→英語 技術論文+第三者ネイティブチェック (東北大学, 2015/12)
- 英語(アメリカ)→英語(アメリカ) Issues on Education of Accounting for NXXX in the U.S.論文+プルーフリーディング (関東学院大学, 2015/11)
- 英語→英語 胎Xに関するスピーチ第三者ネイティブチェック (大阪府立大学, 2015/07)
- 日本語→英語(アメリカ) ユXヤ系新聞記事(会X学)プルーフリーディング (関東学院大学, 2015/04)
- 英語→英語 プルーフリーディング (一般財団法人日本環境衛生センター, 2014/12)
- 日本語→英語 英文デザXXポリシー校正 (株式会社M&N環境計画研究所, 2014/11)
- 英語 プルーフリーディング (聖路加国際大学, 2014/11)
- 英語→英語 日本の環X問題史統X論文(後半)プルーフリーディング (法政大学, 2014/02)
- 日本語→英語 医学翻訳+プルーフリーディング (医療法人社団真愛会, 2014/01)
- MPM英語校正 (聖路加国際大学, 2014/01)
- 日本語→英語 診XXにおける問題点/改善点英文校正 (岡崎市医師会公衆衛生センター, 2014/01)
<サービス内容> 質問などをコメントとして書き込まれたワード文書を通してメールにて受付、最短当日返信
M.P, Ph.D. served as associate dean for academic and student affairs and senior associate dean in graduate schools at two premier research universities in the United States and he was the final authority on approving Ph.D. dissertations. For 14 years he was a professor of leadership, chairing 17 dissertations and serving on countless others so he fully understands the processes and challenges students face in completing their dissertations and he knows the most effective means in addressing such hurdles. He left university to form a dissertation consulting business that provided academic editing to doctoral students. In addition to grammar and spelling, he ensures that your written work has a compelling academic tone that is generally expected from years of practice. His students are from universities in the U.S., the U.K., Egypt, Kenya, Switzerland, and many other countries, so he has a talent for working with students from a variety of home countries.